My piano compositions

listen and select the tracks from AD LIBITUM album

available in a digital format

About me

in a few words

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#peteruniverse #cichockimusic

My name is Cichocki.
My inner anxiety took me on a life journey to play music ad libitum.
This story began when, surrounded by a nature, I started to compose a new episode of my life. At those times music flowed through my fingers like time through the clock hands.
I play improvised, emotional piano music. Inspiration for my tunes comes from nature and people. I tell stories about specific persons and life moments. What I do is letting all feelings pass through myself and turning them into the music. You can find there many different patterns in one theme. However, they are connected smoothly one with each other. The way I create music is composing and recording on the fly. I do not consider what should be next, I just allow my fingers to go through the keyboard as they want. Therefore, I used to call it the improvisation of my soul.
If I encouraged you (with this short introduction) to dive into my music ... please sit down, take a breath and relax while we are taking you in a common musical journey.
No more words.
Wish you good vibes while listening.

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Contact me

Interested in my performance, music? Just ask.